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Orion Magazine7 min read
Nice Monsters
I WONDER IF you’ve been called nice before, that placeholder of a word. “She’s nice”: a whitewash with a certain generic sheen, coats of primer applied a few too many times, announcing its intention to ward off attention or suspicion. Nice people or
Orion Magazine3 min read
The Weave of Rituals
IN MODERN secular societies, religion is often considered antiquated and its traditions a fossil of benighted people dwelling in a medieval worldview, lost in reveries of salvation. Some look down on piety as primitive, and ritual practices as childl
Orion Magazine18 min read
Natural Ends
A LONG THE WINDING ROAD clinging to the edge of the Ocoee River, dozens of makeshift memorials marked each tight turn. I drove past hillsides streaked with a thin dusting of snow, crossing from Tennessee to Georgia, back to Tennessee, briefly to Nort
