More from Babybug Stories, Rhymes, and Activities for Babies and Toddlers

Babybug Stories, Rhymes, and Activities for Babies and Toddlers1 min read
Guide For Caregivers
1. Kim and Carrots: If it walks, flaps, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a toddler trying to figure out how ducks navigate the world. For very young children, imitation is a critical pathway to understanding. Ultimately, imitation builds languag
Babybug Stories, Rhymes, and Activities for Babies and Toddlers1 min read
Kim and Carrots
Kim, Carrots, Mommy, and Daddy are walking in the countryside. Lots of animals live here. A beautiful horse comes to say hello. There are cows in one field, and sheep with little lambs in another. Clever Kim sees a green caterpillar walking on a gree
Babybug Stories, Rhymes, and Activities for Babies and Toddlers1 min read
Peyton Loves Puzzles
Peyton has a puzzle. She finds a place to sit. She slips the puzzle pieces in the places where they fit. And when her puzzle’s finished she shows her mom, and then— Peyton tips the pieces out and does it once again. ■