More from RECOIL Presents: Concealment

RECOIL Presents: Concealment1 min read
RECOIL Presents: Concealment
Editor-in-Chief/ Iain Harrison Editor, CONCEALMENT/ Dave Merrill Managing Editor/ Laura Peltakian Contributing Editor/ Steven Kuo Network Manager/ Tom Marshall Web Editor/ David Lane Contributors/ Lynsey Davis, Annette Evans, Tamara Keel, Kenda Lense
RECOIL Presents: Concealment2 min read
Sig Romeo
SIG’s latest red dot incorporates the evolutionary changes we’ve come to expect-since open emitter red dots started appearing in general use on handguns over a decade ago. Plugging into either the Shield RMSc footprint for the micro model or the Leup
RECOIL Presents: Concealment3 min read
Large Format, Pistol-caliber “Pistols”
While the federal government continues to play out their on-again, off-again relationship with braces and short-barreled rifles, manufacturers continue to produce short AR-type guns currently classified as pistols. This politicking led to a relativel