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Cosmos Magazine12 min read
Everything Starts With The seed
AMARANTH (AMARANTHUS SPP.) When Sognigbé N’Danikou was a small boy, his grandmother cooked meals with yantoto, a wild green that grew on his mother’s farm in Ouèssè, a small village in Benin, West Africa, about 250 kilometres north of the capital Por
Cosmos Magazine2 min read
Animal-to-human Viral Epidemics Increasing
FOUR TYPES of animal-to-human viral infections have been increasing at an exponential rate, with epidemics becoming larger and more frequent over the past 60 years. In a study in BMJ Global Health, researchers say that on current trends, zoonotic eve
Cosmos Magazine1 min read
JWST Snaps Silky New Picture Of The Crab Nebula
IN THE year 1054, a nearby star burst into a supernova so bright that 11th-century Chinese astronomers recorded it. The resulting dust cloud, called the Crab Nebula, has been a favourite study of astronomers since. Now, the James Webb Space Telescope
