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Caravan World7 min read
Valley Of Gold
‘Q uaint’ doesn't really do Walhalla justice. The tiny town appears frozen in the late 1800s, its one main road lined with old weatherboard and brick buildings - a corner store, pub, fire station, post office and cutesy cottages among them. Forested
Caravan World9 min read
Wonderful Wonderland
SCAN TO PLAY VIDEO CATHERINE BEST AUTHOR OF ‘ULTIMATE CARAVAN TRIPS AUSTRALIA’ The Wonderland RV XTR 2211 is a premium build and comes with a premium price tag. It will set you back almost a quarter of a million dollars, but, as the owners say, they
Caravan World2 min read
From the school of building a better mousetrap comes this innovative SureCan jerry can that we tried recently. The original plastic-lined steel jerry can was developed for the German army in World War II and eventually copied by the British, who best