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Our Expert Panel
Matthew Gilligan is a property investor, developer and tax adviser. He is managing director of chartered accounting firm Gilligan Rowe & Associates, where he heads the specialist property and asset planning divisions. Kris Pedersen of Kris Pedersen M
NZ Property Investor3 min read
Welcome To A Tricky Market
Many property investors haven't returned to the market despite the reintroduction of 80 per cent interest deductibility for landlords and the lowering in July of the bright-line test from 10 years to two, QV says in its latest update. QV operations m
NZ Property Investor3 min read
From Poverty To Property Investors
High school sweethearts Sera and Quentin come from humble beginnings. At 16, they rented a flat with no fridge or washing machine. They had five jobs between them, just to make ends meet and finish high school. The couple never dreamed they would be