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High Country News3 min read
I loved the statistics in “Cattle country” (May 2024), especially the money breakdown, because it reveals how much we’re spending to help unsustainable big corporations trash our environment when we choose to buy irresponsible beef from big-box store
High Country News5 min read
Dislocating Western aesthetics
“WESTERN ART,” as in visual art about the Western United States, often conjures romanticized and myopic depictions of an imagined past: Charles Marion Russell’s illustrative fantasies about cowboys and Indians; sublime renderings of the Rocky Mountai
High Country News3 min read
Heard Around the West
Here’s some (hard-to-digest) food for thought. Idaho Republican Rep. Heather Scott introduced legislation to expand the parameters of a pre-existing anti-cannibalism law, reported. Apparently, the current Idaho law, made official in 1990 and
