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> Better NAS mobo? > Explorer crashes > Speed up Handbrake In your article on building a NAS system in the April 2024 issue, two possible N100I motherboards were mentioned. In doing research on the components in the system, I came across a third poss
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How Do You Know If You’ve Been Hacked?
CYBERATTACKS don’t look like you might expect—and they certainly don’t look like they do in the movies. If your security is compromised, you probably won’t see a big flashing sign saying ‘YOU HAVE BEEN HACKED’, or weird skull-and-crossbones graphics
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Geometric Future Model 8 Dharma
THERE’S SOMETHING TO be said for a chassis design that’s a little different. No matter where you turn these days, pretty much all cases look sort of the same. Let’s be fair, there’s only so much you can do with a metal box that holds your PC parts, b
