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The Field3 min read
Spreading The Good Word
HAVE YOU mastered your reels, tapped into TikTok or just been left deeply confused by this entire sentence? Social media is one of the most divisive phenomena of our age. For a growing number of people it’s simply part of modern life; for others it’s
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June Diary
Wetherby, West Yorkshire Tel: 01937 846005 Hurlingham Park, London Tel: 020 8614 7090 Ardingly, West Sussex Tel: 01444 892700 Aldeburgh, Suffolk Tel: 01728 687110 Isle of Wi
The Field6 min read
Ping And You’re Winning
IT WAS NOT quite a Dad’s Army ‘stupid boy’ moment but I detected a certain weariness in Expert Nick’s voice as he explained why my latest cunning auction wheeze was ‘doomed’. What happened was this. Much as I can hate technology, I love the sleepless
