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The Field1 min read
Field In Focus
Scottish Land & Estates (SLE) has exhorted the Scottish government to work with it – rather than against it – over the future of deer management following the government’s Managing Deer for Climate and Nature consultation. The consultation, which clo
The Field6 min read
The Sole Survivors
WE ARE NOW four years on from the first COVID-19 lockdown, and for many towns and cities life will never be quite the same again. The work-from home revolution – even if that involves working from the kitchen table only on Fridays – is here to stay.
The Field7 min read
“It Was Wonderfully Done” D-Day: 80th Anniversary
IN THE GREY dawn of D-Day, 6 June 1944, 20-year-old Trooper Lawrence Burn’s 35-tonne DD (duplex-drive) Sherman tank, its flotation screen raised, edged down the ramp of the landing craft into the English Channel. The storm that had forced the postpon
