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Chat4 min readCrime & Violence
In Plain Sight
Under the dingy glow of street lights, Emma Caldwell, then 26, smiled towards the headlamps of prowling cars. It was August 2004 and her life was a world away from what it'd been six years earlier. Emma had grown up with loving parents William and Ma
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Chat To Us!
We pay £25 for any photos that we use on Chat To Us! Spending all day catnapping on the step, my moggie Daisy really lives like a queen! Nicole Paul, Chatham EMAIL POST Chat, 121-141 Westbourne Terrace, London W2 6JR Find
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FOCUS ON… Sore muscles
If you're feeling achy or tender it may be the last thing you want to do, but exercise can work magic on sore muscles. ‘Avoid high-intensity workouts. Instead opt for light cardio activities, such as swimming, walking, jogging or cycling,’ says Dean