More from Sparkle Buds Magazine

Sparkle Buds Magazine1 min read
Dear Friends, For safety reasons, you should have your home addresses and phone number memorized. You should also know relevant email addresses and cell numbers. Work the information into a song, use rhyming games, or post the information prominently
Sparkle Buds Magazine1 min read
Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month July
Children can get arthritis just like adults. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the term used to describe arthritis in children. JIA is an autoimmune disorder, which means that the body’s immune system-which normally hepls to fight off bacteria o
Sparkle Buds Magazine1 min read
Etch a Sketch Day July 12, 2024
Do you remember Etch a Sketch? If you spent many happy hours drawing pictures on the screen and then magically removing them using the plastic slider. you’ll relish the opportunity to relive your childhood on Etch a Sketch Day. This day is all about