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Shooting Times & Country4 min read
Know The Signs And When To Take Action
One of the most difficult things to call when you have birds in a pen is whether they are huddled up because they are cold, because they have had a wet night and are waiting for the sun to warm them up and dry them off, or because there is actually s
Shooting Times & Country1 min read
Fallow Deer Seen Romping Through Plymouth Hospital
Two fallow bucks were seen in Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, in the early hours of Monday, 24 July. A Plymouth deer expert said the animals, believed to have weighed about 100kg (15st 10lb) each, could have posed a safety risk. A hospital spokesperson
Shooting Times & Country3 min read
Alan Edwards is conservation manager at Bywell, a Purdey Gold Award estate in Northumberland A gentle plop at the end of a straight line on an almost perfect cast. Surely this time a fish would show some interest in my offering? Sadly not. Wondering