More from Chat It's Fate

Chat It's Fate1 min read
How’s Your Love Life?
So here we are at Valentine’s month – and sadly the very last edition of Chat it’s fate! It’s a great time to think about love… and for me to wish you well in the future! If you want to stay in touch, you can find me at Sign of the
Chat It's Fate1 min read
Symbols Explained
Ever dream of sailing away on a ship or little boat? Symbolically, water represents our emotional state – so if you dream of sailing off into the sunset, then there may be more to that than you’d imagined! Dreaming of sailing is symbolic of how your
Chat It's Fate2 min read
Hell’s Angels
It would have been bad enough if Sharon Cumberpatch had an ordinary demon living in her house – but she had Beelzebub himself, Lord of the Flies and one of the seven Princes of Hell! In Christian theology, demons are considered to be angels cast out