More from Finweek - English

Finweek - English3 min read
Keep Reading, Keep Learning
it took some time to figure out how to start this article. I must admit that it is not easy to write. I remember when I was but a young grasshopper with nothing but dreams in my head and passion in my heart. I remember how I used to buy finweek and r
Finweek - English3 min read
Prospects For SA Asset Returns Still Look Rewarding
since last year’s global market crash sparked by Covid-19, most financial markets have recovered strongly, including in South Africa. Many investors justifiably now question the return prospects going forward, and whether these gains can be sustained
Finweek - English3 min read
Keep On Keeping It Simple
recently I had a Covid-19-compliant coffee with some investors who’d started investing around ten years ago. We were chatting about stocks, market crashes and the like but then the conversation took an interesting turn. I asked what they believed to