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Ruby Read
She’s gorgeous. She embodies the best of everything you want in a companion. She’s feisty. She’s got this big emotional backstory which has called on her [for] some big old acting scenes – she’s just amazing for such a young actor. She’s amazing beca
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Hair We Go!
Is doing a period episode the biggest challenge of the series? ◆ This block is the biggest challenge, because we’ve got two episodes, both of them set in different periods. So they have to be historically accurate. But this is the biggest challenge,
SFX2 min read
Sand Land
▶ RELEASED 24 APRIL ▶ Reviewed on PS5 ▶ Also on Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PC ▶ Publisher Bandai Namco VIDEOGAME Blazing through a scorching desert in bikes, tanks, cars and bipedal mechs with machine guns is a truckload of fun in Sand Land, the action-RP
