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This XKR has one particularly interesting bit of history: it was bought new by Gerry Rafferty in 2001. Now with 106k miles, it makes for an eminently usable V8 classic with a great story. (UK) A relatively early example of this very pr
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Amsterdam – Paris Great hotels, great roads, Champagne and lots of camaraderie! Enjoy all this this in your pre-war car on a four-day journey through the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and France. Shortest day 200km, longest 330km. Entry €4900. clas
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The Maestro remembered
‘BY KIND PERMISSION of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, the Moss family invites you to celebrate the life of Sir Stirling Moss OBE; remembering the friend, the father, the racer, the gentleman, the joker, and the world-renowned hero who was admir
