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Homebuilding & Renovating7 min read
Self-build for beginners PART 11 BRINGING SERVICES TO SITE
Talk to anyone who’s built a home and they’ll probably have a few scare stories relating to the connection of the mains services. From a professional point of view, dealing with the service providers (network operators) is frustrating as you have lit
Homebuilding & Renovating8 min read
How Much Does A Patio Cost?
A well-designed patio frequently takes centre stage in one’s imagination when picturing the ideal outdoor area. The attractiveness of a new patio is evident — whether it’s used as a bustling gathering place for weekend barbecues or as a peaceful hide
Homebuilding & Renovating5 min read
Clever Loft Conversion Layouts
Designing a layout that makes the most of the space in your loft is key to ensuring that the money you spend transforming all that lovely room within your roof is well worth it. The best loft conversions take into account not only the size of the spa
