


ʻI am an Architectʼ was planned to meet young architects who seek their own architecture in a variety of materials and methods. What do they like, explore, and worry about? SPACE is going to discover individual characteristics of them rather than group them into a single category. The relay interview continues when the architect who participated in the conversation calls another architect in the next turn.

Working Under Two Names

Kim Yeram: I wonder what prompted you to break away from your previous projects?

Kim Hanjoong: My first job was at Baum Architects. As it was a big company, construction usually took a significant period of time, and it made me eager to see things to their completion. This desire prompted me to learn wood craft and begin to make silkscreen prints.

Kim Yeram: You co-founded fig. architects in 2015, and another studio two years afterwards.

Kim Hanjoong: The winners of the SPACE Prize for International Students of Architectural Design in 2007, all three of us, established a firm under the name of fig.architects, but

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