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BluPrint2 min read
Visual Intricacies
In the heart of South Bangkok where several narrow streets are constantly undergoing changeovers, Thai architecture firm All(zone) has built the Phra Pradeang House, a three-storey structure where layers of concrete blocks are wrapped in the most int
BluPrint2 min read
Colored Realms
A lot of us may have pre-conceived notions of what a visual artist’s workroom would be—inspired, energetic, chaotic. Yet, there is not a single formula that exists to tie in the creative spaces of different artists. Since a creative space is fashione
BluPrint5 min read
Narrated By Nature, Nuanced By Nostalgia
Travel magazines paint naïve pictures of Mactan as a tropical paradise—a skip and a hop away from Cebu City. What few will be candid about is that often the journey to Mactan Island is a laborious one. Vehicles ply through half-finished roads and tra
