More from BBC Top Gear Magazine

BBC Top Gear Magazine8 min read
Narrow Escape
It began as an idle conversation about what ‘small’ means when applied to cars, but it ended with my torso wedged into Europe’s narrowest street (and possibly the world’s… it depends on whom you ask), with a French man laughing, making circular motio
BBC Top Gear Magazine7 min read
DOE-DEE-CHEE-CHILL-IN-DREE [Italian, Noun, ‘12 Cylinders’]
Just occasionally, something’s lost in translation between poison tipped Italian and well-meaning King’s English. I’m standing alongside the new Ferrari in a Maranello studio. I ask Flavio Manzoni, the man who heads up the design department, if it’s
BBC Top Gear Magazine6 min read
Computer Says No
What do these things have in common: Take That’s new tour, paint drying and autonomous racing? That’s right! They’re the three things I’m least excited about watching in the known universe, and yet I’m sat on the Yas Marina start/finish straight, in

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