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Classic American6 min read
Savoy Saviour
During the Sixties, numerous children found themselves captivated by drag racing, a motorsport that enjoyed major growth across North America. Among them was Denny Sanders, now the proud owner of the red Savoy featured here. His fascination stemmed f
Classic American8 min read
Preservation ActAct
Originality: as custodians of historic objects, where would we be without that elusive but vitally important state of being? The preservation of original specimens is what enables us to say, ‘This is exactly the paint used by the factory,’ and ‘This
Classic American2 min read
1949 Ford Barris
George Barris left an indelible impression on generations of car lovers. The self-proclaimed ‘King of the Kustomizers’ lent his name to all manner of custom cars, not to mention vehicles that appeared on screens large and small. His output was a stap
