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Sporting Gun2 min read
Rifle Q&A
I read your article about moving to the Highlands and gathering new permissions. I have also recently moved and am going through the same process and wonder if you have any further tips as you seem to have been successful? Tom Sykes says: It can be f
Sporting Gun3 min read
Gundogs At The Game Fair
The Game Fair is set to host four top-tier gundog competitions this year, including two Home Internationals (one for HPRs and one for spaniels/retrievers), the Euro Challenge, and a new minority breeds competition. Taking the lead is Francesca Prenti
Sporting Gun5 min read
Clay Disciplines Demystified
Variety is the spice of a clay shooter’s life. However, even the most experienced clay-breaker can struggle with the differences between disciplines. To help enlighten beginners and seasoned Shots alike, we’ve put together a guide to some of the most