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Audio Technology4 min readTechnology & Engineering
Last Word
In the early ‘60s Arthur C. Clarke wrote: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Thirty years later I was baby-sitting a fully-configured CEDAR (Computer Enhanced Digital Audio Restoration) system; a great opportunity
Audio Technology2 min readTechnology & Engineering
32-bit Float
32-bit floating-point has been a processing standard for years and, now, as an audio file format theoretically provides a staggering dynamic range compared to Linear PCM. As a rule-of-thumb, Linear PCM offers a dynamic range of 6dB per bit, so 16-bit
Audio Technology8 min readTechnology & Engineering
FEELING GOOD Michael Bublé Live
‘A mix is a mix is a mix.’ This is the sage advice given to FOH engineer Craig Doubet by a recording engineer mentor David Leonard (who won a Grammy in 1983 for co-engineering the Toto IV album). By which he meant: a good mix will translate across an
