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Love Triangle: Object of Desire
Love Triangle: Object of Desire
Love Triangle: Object of Desire
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Love Triangle: Object of Desire

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As the ship sailed across the Mediterranean, Arne did everything possible to entice Lisa. Captivated by her undeniable beauty and mesmerized by her strength, he could not resist falling in love. His silent torment with threats from his ex-fianc was overshadowed as Lisa spun his head with unbelievable control over him. His dreams, his desires, his every imagination came alive in her. This was the woman he could never let go!
When the nightmare of a lie forced Lisa to run, Arne was prepared to give up everything to win her back as he went chasing after his love. Their exciting marriage and dreams were realized as they drove each other insane with overwhelming passion. Every thought and reaction drew them together like magnets and wild creativity took over as they constantly fed each others needs.
Release dateOct 11, 2012
Love Triangle: Object of Desire


Throughout my life, I spent extensive time traveling and lived an amazing life filled with experiences and incredible company. I braced things to the wildest imagination, with love and loss. My family and friends are the pride of my life, although I consider myself a citizen of the world. Life, I value and living it with a wild passion since I am in love with love and truly believe, romance is alive and well.

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    Love Triangle - Romay


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    I came to Scandinavia to start a new life. Young and ambitious. Everything was strange and very different from what I was used to. I had always been able to take care of myself, so why would this country be any different?

    The ‘standard of living, the mentality and morality’ left me with major challenges to deal with. How do you live in a place and want no part of it? So I appeared to have no interest! Having had a bad experience with marriage, I was cautious as to who would enter into my life as a friend. I soon realized that living there with my background and attractive appearance, I very obviously stood out. Going to the shops and even doing things with my little boy posed a lot of headaches on a daily basis! I was constantly being harassed by men who were either ‘too young’ because they were looking for someone to take care of them, or ‘too old’ because they think you are foreign and desperate to be with them. Or simply, just ‘idiots’ taking a chance, and I was too refined, too well bred and stuck, feeling I had come from, hero to zero.

    Linda came from England. Working with the United Nations, she had met her husband while in Kosovo. Living in a small town, I was invited to dinner at a neighbor’s house when we were introduced. I don’t know if it was my cosmopolitan background, but Linda and I got along very well even though we were so different.

    My son and I started spending lots of time, visiting with Linda and her two little girls. We talked for hours and enjoyed each other’s company, going to each other’s homes for tea. Although my son was a few years older than her girls were, they seemed to play well together. That was the one thing Linda and I had in common, teaching our children manners and balance in a society lacking them. Family was very important to both of us and communication part of that relationship. Since both of us were without family, we got close and found many happy times and traveled together with our children.

    When it was time for my son to go to school, he had a teacher who was puzzled at my ‘positive attitude’ and surprised with my elegance. Completely impressed with my behavior and interested in my son’s well being, she confronted me. Meeting at the school, we had my son’s interest at heart, until he changed schools. Calling me one day, Christina wanted to visit me at my home and we’ve been friends ever since. Although she was a local, she was very impressed with the way Linda and I raised our families. We were a close-knit and openly loving unit. Christina had a son and was married, living in the ‘countryside.’ We spent lots of time going out on trips, and talked for hours at a time by phone. We laughed so much together and Christina was even inspired to lose some weight and to do something more positive with her life! I thought to introduce her to my friend Linda, so we went to a ‘cottage’ together one summer with our children. We all got along surprisingly well.

    I had started a business of my own and my life was soon occupied with balancing work and family. I made sure to have time for my son and stayed close to my friends. Since Linda and I lived closer, we had more opportunities to see each other. Christina lived further away and we often had to make scheduled arrangements to visit. With both our busy work schedules, we had more phone conversations, but were still happy at being able to connect.

    Business was sometimes all right, but no room for ‘growth’ since nothing expands too much when you are in a small town. I am a ‘big city’ girl and started feeling too closed in. I needed room to grow so I could have a more regular income! Talking to my friends about moving to the capital city left us with mixed emotions and a fear of losing our friendships. But both Linda and Christina understood and were happy to listen, finally encouraging me to follow my instinct.

    My son and I took the plunge and although he didn’t care very much, he was unhappy at losing his friends and he missed Linda’s girls. Our move was stressful and new. Life was starting over again. I had to put lots of time and effort into meeting new clients and introducing my work and services. So, after two years of landing a few ‘contracts’ and concentrating on business, I started feeling like I was getting somewhere. We settled in well and made a few friends, but I didn’t have time for anything else. Linda and I often spoke on the phone and exchanged e-mails and pictures. Christina regularly came to the city on business with her ‘new profession’ and we made time to get together weekly.

    While helping Christina with a ‘project’ and searching the net for one of her surveys, we talked about holidays. I love to travel and had holidays away together with my son.

    You need time away by yourself. she tried to encourage me, and started looking at trips available. Getting all excited, she wanted to know what would be an ideal trip for girls to take.

    A cruise to the Caribbean, or the Mediterranean? I suggested, just thinking it was all in fun and curious to see what was on offer. Picking up the phone, she called Linda.

    What would be a good time for you to travel and could you be away from the girls for a while? she asked, and I just laughed. You’re kidding, right?! But she shook her head.

    Look at you! She exclaimed. You don’t date! You’re not ‘interested’ in men and you never go out but with us. You need to go somewhere where you can meet men that have the ‘class’ you are looking for. You’ll never find it living in this country! We’re very aware of the fact that men stare at you wherever you go, even when you’re with your son, she teased.

    Perhaps it was time I started thinking of myself a little. I must admit to being in fear of letting a man into my life who didn’t belong there. But, how would I know?

    The girls were in contact with each other and we all worked out the best time for us to take off and go on holiday. I thought it would be fun since we hadn’t spent alot of time, all having our own lives. Christina was building a new career as well! But her son was old enough to be alone with his father and Linda had the help of her mother-in-law who was always too eager to be with her grandchildren. She asked her husband, and he agreed to the ‘little adventure’ they wanted with me. The next few weeks Linda, Christina and I set up our family lives to plan our trip. We had decided on a boat trip and the timing suited all of us. I had to get my son organized and was relieved when friends of mine were able to move into my home to stay with him. When I discussed my plans, he felt strange since ‘we’ always traveled together. I was happy, though when he agreed I needed to have fun!

    While I was sitting at my desk, thinking about my friends, I thought of Christina’s ‘confession’ to me. She was twelve years old when she realized something was ‘wrong’ in their family. She had asked her mother and came to learn that her mom had been seeing another man. She had kept that secret with her mom! And it later affected her with her own husband. When they met, he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring and she didn’t know he was married. When they socialized at work together, they had an ‘attraction.’ Since he always treated her well, showing sympathy and interest at all times, after they began dating, it was quite a few months before she ‘discovered’ he was married. But he assured her that he had already decided to end his marriage a long time ago. The fact that she was so emotionally involved with him didn’t help much, because the truth was; she was seeing a married man! The guilt she carried is still something she deals with today, knowing that she was the ‘other woman’! It had brought her back to being the sharer in her mom’s ‘secret’, seeing another man. Even though her parents did get a divorce, her father never knew of her mom’s affair. He did re-marry and her mom took ill, suffering from cancer. She was with her mother when she died; it brought tears to her eyes as she remembered that ‘moment’. That personal peace when her mom needed forgiveness. She recalled when her mother took her last breath; it was so ‘light’, like the butterflies that flew. Her most fascinating experience was when hundreds of those butterflies sat on her wall for quite a while! That was the most peaceful moment to her.

    At her mother’s funeral, her father brought the same flowers she had on their wedding day. White daisies with pink roses and he placed them in the casket with her. Christina is still living with that guilt! She did not ever wish to disturb her father’s peace of mind with the burden she carried. To her, it was very personal, since the other issue was the conflict of her suffering, knowledge at having been the other woman herself, even though unbeknownst to her at the time, she was far too emotionally involved to realize the impact. Now, she has to overcome the consequences in her own marriage, as two people sharing in guilt.

    Her husband needed to get help so that they could move forward, which she had to do so as not to be overwhelmed by the past. I shivered as I was jolted back to reality at the sound of my phone ringing! It was Linda, telling me she was on her way shopping for groceries, to make sure she stocked up on enough food for her family. She was laughing, and rambling on about how she wanted to make things easy and fun for her girls and their dad!

    Linda was one of the lucky few who had a husband who put his family first. She got no argument from him about her wanting to go off and be supportive of her friend. We were still waiting to see how Christina’s husband would respond, since we knew we were all leaving soon. I didn’t have to worry about my son since he had already spent alot of time with the couple who would be caring for him. He was used to sleeping over at their home and often went to their cottage for days and had fun with them. I did feel guilty at leaving him, and it would feel strange since he is the one with the sense of direction wherever we go! I am absolutely useless and tend to get lost. It was two days before our trip when we all checked in with each other. Linda was so excited and could hardly contain herself but she was very sad at leaving her babies! She is so much like me, not used to doing anything without the children. I laughed so hard with Christina. Do you know, she chuckled, my husband actually told me to go, and to absolutely have a good time with the girls. I couldn’t believe how amazingly happy she was! Since we all lived in different cities, we decided to meet at the airport. The night before I had to leave, my son wanted me to take my usual beauty treatments so he could spent time with me. Passing me my shampoo and laughing with me as he passed one thing after the other, he could feel how excited I was! When we moved to the living room, he asked if he could rub cream onto my feet. He spends so much time with me that it seemed like a habit to him that I always moisturized. So he was not surprised when I took my time doing it. For the future, it would be good for him to learn that women have to have the time to take care of themselves! I didn’t sleep very well, but that is normal for me when I’m overly excited. After freshening up in the morning and checking to make sure all my last minute packing was done, I got dressed. I went in to wake my son up so I could get a big hug and a kiss! We walked to the front door, and holding on to my hand he asked if I would be alright without him. Smiling, I kissed his cheek. I hope so, baby! Sitting at the back of the taxi, I smiled to myself. My son seemed to be more concerned about me than I was of him. Sometimes I feel like I am the kid! But then again, I was always treated as though I should be cared for by every man who ever entered my life. It was strange though and somehow not surprising since I will soon have a teenager behaving as if he were my father. I don’t quite know why the men around me always treat me like I’m a ‘little girl’. Even my son holds my hand wherever we go!

    I am strong and can hold my own if I have to in a battle, so why am I like a ‘girl’ whenever I get close to a man who interests or is important to me? It’s a big surprise when I’m able to ‘stand up’ to them! I suppose I’m just the kind of woman that is simply not a bore and unexpectedly captivating. Arriving at the airport, I seemed to be the first so I checked my luggage. Taking a seat once I had my boarding pass, I waited for the girls. Linda was the next to arrive with her short red hair ‘glowing’ in the light. Look at you! She screamed at me. You are so skinny! Laughing, I ran into her arms. You’re still a pretty English rose! and she gave me a twirl. We were still sitting and laughing at the stories we shared about the children, when Christina arrived with her hair cut short in a fashionably new style, and Linda who hadn’t seen her in a while, was astounded by her weight loss! We both agreed that she looked amazing! Hugging her and jumping up and down, Linda stood there laughing at the two of us. Look at the two of you. she smiled. Both looking so sexy and absolutely gorgeous! When did all this happen? She kissed Christina hello. All her doing! Christina accused me. All her pep talks about how women should look like women, behave like ‘ladies’ and be ‘sex goddesses’! Laughing at her funny sentiments, since I would never say that out loud, we went to get our boarding passes, and checked in. The excitement was putting us on a ‘high’ as we went through customs. We had an hour before our flight took off so we decided to have a drink to calm us down. I ordered my favorite, ‘Jack Daniels’ with crushed ice, and we sat there catching up so we get onto the same wavelength. Linda hadn’t seen us in quite awhile other than phone calls, messages or e-mails. She thought that both Christina and I had changed a lot. She was so amazed, at how well Christina looked and although I had never really been big built, I was in better shape. She was laughing in disbelief at Christina’s ‘exercise routine’ and the fact that I had such an amazing body, thanks to a personal trainer. In any case, we agreed, it had been a conscious decision to stay healthy and younger longer. As we walked to our departure gate to get on board, I turned to Christina. Are you alright? I wanted to know, since she seemed quiet. Yes! she assured me, "I was just hoping everything was okay with my ‘boys’. I think just then, we pretty much all felt the same. We were leaving and our families were left behind. It was a strange feeling, but we set each other at ease. Once on board, we took our seats and got comfortably strapped in. We had a reasonably short flight ahead of us and thought to relax, taking this moment of freedom in. Finally we sighed, and smiled at each other as we took off. We were finally on our way to Barcelona! Our ship was departing from there and we couldn’t wait!

    Arriving at Barcelona International Airport we got our luggage and as we left the terminal, went to find a taxi. Excitedly we gave the driver the terminal entrance for the dock. As we neared the harbor the ship came into view. We looked at the beautiful city as the taxi sped through it. It stopped and we got out, staring at the, ‘large beauty’ that was going to be our home for the next while. The Celebrity Century was one of the top cruise ships in the world. Going through the check in, we saw so many people arriving. This was going to be some interesting adventure! I wanted to have fun enjoying my friends’ company. Mine was the Sky Suite with a private balcony and the girls shared the Ocean View’ state room. Going to our separate cabins, I wanted to get settled in and comfortable, starting with a luxurious shower and moisturize, taking my time. I had left home very early with little sleep the night before, so I was a bit tired. A small nap would do me well, so I could enjoy dinner, without feeling hurried or pushed for time. It was so great to think of tomorrow without having to rush around! My mind was wandering through the splendors of the ‘journey’ ahead, and even though I had visited most of our destinations before, I loved the beauty and vast diversity. The girls knocked at my door and of course, had to check out the single Pad. Wow! Excitedly pulling my drapes open, they unfastened the latch to the balcony door. Our cabin is nice, they informed me, but yours is great! Going out onto the balcony, the girls flirted with my neighbors as I got dressed. Throwing her hands way up into the air, Christina said, YES! This Mediterranean trip is going to be great! Have you met any of your neighbors? they teased. The prospects are great!"

    Oh yes! Great indeed! they both burst out laughing. I briefly wondered what those two were going on about. Let’s go! I called out to them. Our first night on board and we wanted good food and wine. It would be great for us to get into the spirit of the holiday. We decided on the grand restaurant. We entered the large room with its dark pillars, gold lightning structures, blue carpet and burgundy with white décor. The room was splendid indeed! When we were seated, we looked at the menu and settled on seafood and salads. Ordering drinks and a bottle of wine for our table, we decided that Linda should call home first, since her girls were the youngest. We laughed at how she told them a little story on the phone. I called my son next, but he was very busy and said he hoped I was having fun. After Christina made a quick call to her family we could all enjoy our meal. I will always have seafood anywhere it’s on offer. And most of the time, do not care how much I pay as long as it’s fresh and good. We had a couple of glasses of wine with our meal, but I don’t always do well with alcohol and was getting ‘aggressive’. The girls teased me about feeling sorry for the poor guy that was going to end up with me! Unless he’s man enough to handle me, he was in for a rough ride. Stop it! I laughed at them. We decided to go to my cabin and sit out on the balcony enjoying the night air for a while. We had soft drinks and lots of water delivered to the room, and didn’t feel like sleeping because we wanted to feel the experience as we set sail

    Entirely surrounded by the ocean, which had a sound all its own, we sat chatting for hours until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. The girls finally left and gave me some peace. I could see how I would be their ‘victim’ on this trip. We were sailing to Nice first. The South of France is one of my favorite destinations, and a great delight to look forward to. Nice, with its sandy beaches and terrace cafés and thoughts of it, sent me off to sleep with sweet dreams. As things quieted down and everyone found their bed, we sailed on in silence. This trip was designed to engage, pamper and renew my spirit. I went to sleep with the French Riviera on my mind, and woke up to a beautiful morning! Opening the balcony door, I spread my arms out into the air and inhaled the unexpected. I really wanted to enjoy this day, taking it all in. l dressed to feel as light and as beautiful as a flower. Life could be so wonderful and so much fun. Surprise me! I called out. After heading off to take my shower, I changed into a white silk dress and wedge heeled slip-on sandals that were comfortable to walk in. Stocking my bag with sunscreen and lotion for the day, I grabbed my Chanel sunglasses on the way. The girl’s cabin was large with two twin beds. Linda is always ready to go since she never bothers with alot of make-up. Christina, on the other hand makes herself up, styles her hair, then gets dressed and ready in her own time. Come! I urged them, waiting impatiently. We all agreed to take a taxi and go into the city. What time did you wake up, I inquired, since it took you so long to get ready? I dressed in five minutes. Linda laughed. OK! Christina moaned. You don’t have to bother at all. She looked at me. Just dress and brush out that hair of yours. It’s a sin to be so absolutely perfect. I have to put it all on and it takes time. Looking at each other, Linda and I burst out laughing. Isn’t that what she just said? I teased her. As we left the port in old Nice, we passed the Colline du Château, which overlooks the city of Nice. Where are we going? The girls excitedly asked. "La Promenade des Anglais, s’il vous plait, I softly told the driver, who nodded in acknowledgement. The girls smiled. Getting out of the taxi, I settled our fee and turned to look at this amazing stretch of beach. The white buildings along the promenade had the most elegant shops and restaurants. The girls were giggling and I wondered if they had already spotted a young handsome Frenchman. Let’s go I said without looking at them and started walking. ‘Oh, Look! Christina teased, It’s your neighbor! I had no idea who my neighbors were and didn’t care at the time either. I wanted to walk and had already started to, but the girls were waiting for the ‘gentleman’ to catch up to them. I stopped to look back as they introduced themselves, and waiting for them to come along, he looked at me. As they caught up I lifted my head to glance at him. He was so tall with the most amazing blue eyes. I don’t quite know what happened, but my heart dropped into my stomach. I seem to have turned into a ball of nerves and suddenly looked away before he sensed my awkwardness. Hello! He said gently. I know, I said something because I felt my lips move, but I never heard a sound.

    Looking over at my two companions, I could see them smiling from ear to ear. I never heard his name since I had gone completely deaf! Walking ahead of them, I needed to hear the sea. I had to escape and get rid of this tumbling going on inside of me. We took a leisure walk along the Baie des Anges and Linda caught up with me while Christina talked to our new friend. Didn’t you see him earlier? Linda asked, He is in the cabin next to yours.

    No, I calmly replied, and I’ve been out on my balcony. "Well, she shyly smiled, it was him we laughed and giggled with yesterday. He is heavenly looking, and was busy working out when we were on your balcony. Lots of muscle flexing! She giggled. What are you trying to tell me? I glared at her with raised eyebrows. But before she could answer, Christina and her friend caught up with us. Taking off my sandals, I pulled Christina toward me. Let’s go to the water! I encouraged her. Christina often went horseback riding on the beach, so I knew she loved the water. Without hesitation, she joined me leaving the other two standing there wondering what we are doing. Who is this guy? I wanted to know. He’s traveling alone and is on vacation doing some soul-searching she replied. This was unusual, a man on a cruise by himself. As she was about to say something, I stopped her. Don’t worry I reassured her, I’ve been informed about your hunk already. He thinks you’re gorgeous! She said to me. He does now, doesn’t he? I laughed. I caught his stare as I turned to look at Linda. This is so beautiful. I turned my attention to my friend. Yes she smiled A little piece of heaven. This is better than we could ever have imagined. It’s amazing. I’m in awe! Christina laughed, but I was getting hungry. Let’s go to the promenade. There are lovely places to sit." When we joined the others, Christina suggested we go and our guest asked to accompany us. Choosing an elegant place, we took four seats while he sat down opposite me. I could feel his eyes burning through me, so I avoid looking at him directly. Once we had placed our order, the girls started talking to each other across the table. I felt awkward and conscious of his stare. To break the ice, I ordered a bottle of sparkling water and an espresso with a Kir Royale, a cocktail made of champagne and currant liqueur. I couldn’t possibly eat, but I might feel more relaxed. You’ve been to Nice before? He asked. Yes I answered. It is magic isn’t it? Yes, I said again. What would you like to do now? I turned my attention to the girls. You decide They had informally put me in charge. Since you know your way around better. The conversation went back and forth, while I sat quietly, listening. They enjoyed their French pastries and sipped from their cups like little ladies. Laughing at them he asked, Are your ladies quite finished? and looking at me, he quietly continued, Where shall we go? I was surprised that he took the liberty of including himself, but the girls smiled from ear to ear. "Shall we go to the main train station? We could head north of Centre-ville Nice to the Musée Matisse. Smiling, he watched me from behind, as he waited for me to get up from out of my seat. From the seaside, we walked up Avenue Jean Medecin to the station and purchased day passes so we could hop on the local busses as well. It was just amazing for me because I love the work of the artist, Henri Matisse. His hand drawings and paintings were wonderful, but his famous

    ‘Still life with Pomegranates’ and ‘Flowers and Fruit is where I lingered the longest. From behind, his voice startled me. Wouldn’t you like to go somewhere for lunch? I heard him ask. Thank you I responded. We went to find the girls and left to take a bus heading east to Monaco. The restaurant, Amici Miel was his choice and we sat on the terrace. I don’t know which was more wicked, the food or the mouth watering desserts. But I learned that he was German, living only half a year in his homeland and the other half following the sun. Nice life, but you need to be rooted somewhere. He was interested in us all traveling together and very surprised that I was single and didn’t care to getting involved with just anyone, thank you! I scolded the girls for being so ‘informative’ where my privacy was concerned. But of course, they were having fun. Our surroundings were so fantastic and the spirit of noise and laughter so inviting that it was difficult for us to leave. Arne was laughing with the girls and we actually had to rush to get back on board our ship. We were only in Nice for the day and took a taxi, so we’re not late on returning. It was such a pleasure to see our ship in sight and we thanked our new friend for his company and a wonderful day. I went straight to the information desk, to book a spa treatment to feel refreshed before dinner. The girls and I were going to meet up in my cabin so I went to change and left for the spa while they rested. Arriving at the Aqua Spa, I was attended to immediately, and looking at the list of treatments available I decided on a deep clean facial, body scrub, manicure and pedicure. Lying back and enjoying being pampered, I thought about my son. He was so happy for me and I was wondering what he was doing. I knew he was well cared for but I missed him! I knew it was time to let him develop his independence, and be willing to let myself be happy. I needed to feel whole again and perhaps this trip would let me spread my wings. It was perhaps the time to end this rule of mine, of avoiding men and not letting anyone in. Let go of the fears and be willing to try! But, if you’ve had nothing but deceit it’s hard to trust and think otherwise. When I settled my account at the end of my treatment, I checked the dates so I could come back with my two friends. I felt a bit sleepy but the oils usually do that to me, so I took a nap for a little while and felt much better later after I had my shower. I finished doing my hair and make-up, just as the girls knocked. You look good they teased me, as I let them in. They were so ‘dolled up’ and informed me, we would be going to the Murano restaurant. What are you wearing? Christina asked. She had on a pair of dress pants in white flowing loose silk and a white Spanish blouse: a gold chain belt, black stilettos and matching clutch bag. Linda was wearing a sky blue dress that lit up her eyes and beautiful red hair. We had to persuade her though to have those beautiful features enhanced. Other than lipstick, Linda never bothered much about make-up. Watching me dress, the girls stared at me in silence. You are over thirty aren’t you? Linda asked out loud. Yes I reluctantly confessed. Why? I wanted to know, but Christina just smiled and insisted we go. We’ll have dinner and drinks afterwards" she grinned. Dressed in a black

    Gucci dress, I straightened my hair, letting it cascade down my back. Finishing the outfit with a pair of black Manolo Blahniks, I was ready to join my friends. As we walked into the restaurant, the girls seem to know where they were heading. I saw Arne getting up as we walked towards his table. It was too late to protest and my surprise was obvious. Seating the girls and me, he sat down opposite me and asked if we had a good rest. Simultaneously, we laughed! Thank you, but Lisa went for a relaxing Spa Treatment while we were resting Christina blurted out. She has a name he smiled, as I raised my eyebrows at him. The atmosphere was great and the ambience overwhelming as we watched more and more people arrive. I could not believe how attentive this man was and was confused by his obvious interest in me. I was a little mad with their secret conspiracy but the girls were happy and smiling so I might as well relax. We talked about his adventures and were amazed at all his sports activities. It explained that body. Where do you find time to do all these things? I was curious. You have to make the time to live because if you don’t, life will just pass you by. Why are you girls traveling by yourselves? He wanted to know. Going into the details of our friendships, he sat patiently and listened, as the girls took turns talking about our lives. Realizing that I had a son, he turned to me. You don’t look like a mother. he said.

    Oh? And how is a mother supposed to look? No! He quickly replied. You look so young, especially since I found out yesterday you were unmarried. He looked at Christina. I felt disappointed that this man knew so much about me, and yet, I knew absolutely nothing about him. They did most of the talking while I sat and ate my delicious meal. I could feel his eyes on me but refused to return his gaze, and concentrated on the girls as they chattered on excitedly, but I couldn’t make eye contact with him. Why did I have this fear? He was disturbing and it bothered me greatly. The girls however enjoyed his company and great looks, which they were so excited about. I, on the other hand was nervous in his presence, and had no idea why I felt so awkward at that moment. But almost as if my silence bothered him, I heard him ask if I would like to have dessert. Feeling his hand on my arm, I took a sip of wine and asked for an Irish coffee. I met Christina’s eyes and she looked concerned. After a few minutes, she got up and asked if I would join her on her way to the rest room. Smiling at Linda, I walked past her. Walking through the door, she asked if I was alright. I don’t know I replied, but this man disturbs me. Why? She asked. He is just interested in knowing more about you! He saw you on your balcony the very first night you arrived in your cabin. That is the reason he came to join us. He wanted to find out who you were. Why? I asked. You seem to have captured his interest, so just calm down! she replied. Christina then tried to encourage me. "Enjoy his company and the time he’s willing to spend with you. He is not married and he is exactly the kind of man you like. Heavens, but he’s strong! She smiled, making me laugh. See? She hugged me. There’s the Lisa I know.

    Just don’t encourage him! I made her promise. I really do not want this man to think I am available for his amusement.

    Ok! Shall we go back before Linda says the wrong thing? We both laughed and I felt more relaxed walking back to our table. As we approached, he rose, and pulled out my chair, pushing it back once I was seated. I knew the girls had realized I was on edge, so I suggested we all go and relax at ‘Michael’s’ nightclub. It had a nice sitting area where we could go for drinks and talk more comfortably. I walked over to a chair where I could sit by myself. Christina and Linda sat next to each other on a small couch, while Arne sat on the other chair with a small table between us. The long dark book shelves lining the wall and the little flower display made you feel at home. We ordered champagne, and for some reason, the girls began to giggle. What? He asked. No, nothing! They smiled at each other. They’re funny! I thought. We had some champagne and talked a lot about our children and our lives. We even talked about when and how I came to live in Scandinavia. He was very interested in knowing more about my son. When he asked why I wasn’t interested in marriage, Linda turned to me and said, Sorry! He asked why you are single and we aren’t! Looking at him for the first time, I answered his question Because I have not yet met a man that can hold my interest. Makes sense. he replied. Smiling at me, he added, But that could change! After three glasses of champagne, I went and sat with the girls and Christina and I started to giggle with each other over nonsense. Linda moved to go and sit elsewhere because ‘we were getting stupid’ Now, you know why we were laughing. Christina told Arne. She doesn’t hold her liquor very well Smiling, he took my arm and placed it around his waist. Lifting me up beside him, the girls followed us as we walked out. I’m fine, I insisted as I tried to squirm away from him. I know He said. But I would like you to hold on to me anyway. Looking at me, he kept smiling, holding my gaze. Tomorrow, we’ll be in Florence, Italy. Do you think you will wake up in time to join us? He was teasing. You are funny! I smiled at him. Opening my cabin door, Christina led us in. Placing me on the large bed, he removed my shoes as if it were a perfectly normal thing to do. Looking up at him as he was leaning over me, I got caught up in those blue eyes. Sleep well! He smiled again and left. I couldn’t believe how the two of them, just stood there. What just happened? I thought to myself and wondered if they had noticed it as well. Getting me out of my dress, Christina tucked me in and waved me off to sleep. We’ll collect you in the morning They turned out the light and left me to dream. I was very confused by the attraction I felt for this man, still afraid to give in to my emotions. I drifted off to sleep and we sailed on toward Italy.

    I need to feel again, I knew that. At least, I should allow myself the freedom of finding love once more. When we docked, the girls became excited as they saw Arne walked into the breakfast hall. They had been to my cabin early that morning to make sure we would be ready to go as soon as we were allowed to disembark. We had anchored at Port Livorno, close to Pisa and Florence. Arne was having coffee and cereal with fruit and yogurt, and I watched him, eating a similar breakfast, which I enjoy each morning. He knew the area better than I did and so he suggested we take a bus from the Port to the Central Station. It was Christina and Linda’s first time to Italy and would be a great experience for them to mingle with the locals. We discussed while he ate and then we finished our coffee.

    Caffeine helps me stay awake longer. Since I cannot drink too much alcohol, when I do, it makes me sleepy even the next day. I confessed, looking into those smiling blue eyes as I stared up into them. He was wearing a light color pull-over V-neck sweater over his blue Dolce and Gabbana jeans. His hair was slightly long at the back and tucked under a baseball cap. Florence was founded by Julius Caesar I told the girls. It was a magnificently wealthy city and it became a thriving trade centre with wool and silk!‘ My denim shorts just covered my thighs, held up by a Chanel belt, and my halter top sat on my hips touching my belt. I have slip on sandals by the dozens, and so always had a style or color that matched. I simply love them and find them convenient to remove. One of my sandals was standing on the floor and my bare foot was crossed over my knee. Very unexpectedly, he ran his finger under the sole of my foot sending tingles down my spine. Dropping my leg, I put the sandal back on. My finger flew upto my lips to silence the quiver, and I was afraid he could see them pout. I only respond that way when I’m pleased. Why was I responding to him? I basically have to ignore him or I’ll stumble over myself. Did he know that he was getting to me, or am I imagining it all? I hate the fact that I feel out of control! I am always in control of myself! I don’t like to feel as though someone else is pulling my strings. I really have to trust completely before I surrender myself. Once at the station we went to Florence first, since it was an hour away. We didn’t have much time and couldn’t possibly see as many sights as we wanted, so we only chose a few. Arne on the other hand had become our guide and was only interested in what I wanted to see! I knew that architecture was interesting to us girls so we went to the Duomo. It’s an impressively massive octagon. The cupola is two domes in one and the large doors are faced with an interesting detailed bronze relief. We had to look around quickly so we could go to the next sight. I couldn’t pass up seeing Ponte Vencchio, the bridge over the river Arno. She loves jewelry, the girls informed Arne. Standing on the bridge he asked to walk with him. The girls were so fascinated with the beautiful city that they didn’t even notice when he took my hand. As we walked along we stopped to admire the many jewelry shops occupying the ancient buildings. Would you like to go in? He asked but I nervously refrained. Come! He teased, I promise not to buy you a wedding ring. Laughing! I went inside the beautiful store with him. Looking around the shop he chose, I couldn’t resist buying a set of earrings. I was looking at boxes and some silver to add to my collection and found a few other little things. Arne was on the other side talking to the shopkeeper while the girls excitedly joined me. We were fascinated with the shop, and had no idea what he was doing. As we left, I got a funny feeling in my stomach and had to shut my eyes so I could catch my breath. I had a strong connection with this man and it was making me respond in a way that my body betrayed me. Coming over to me he asked if I was alright and placed his hand under my arm. Are you ill? Christina turned to me realizing I was holding my stomach. No! I softly whispered to her. But I felt like saying, Sick in my head, I think." I was better by the time we got to Galleria dell’Accademia. Linda stayed next to me and I think she had come to realize something was going on with me.

    We were standing in front of Michelangelo’s David, the sculpture that became one of the greatest masterpieces of the renaissance. The girls moved around looking for interesting photo opportunities for their collections. I don’t like taking pictures because I like to keep and marvel over things in my head. Most places I like to come and see again and others are experiences that add value to life. I also do not pose for pictures and I know it seems odd, but I never look good on them. No one who has ever met me says I look exactly like my picture. I’m just one of those people that are the element of surprise. I could feel Arne looking at me and just wanted to leave. Come! I abruptly called out to the girls. We still wanted to go to Pisa, so we had to get going. Arne sat next to me on the train. When I pulled my head back, he placed his hand on the front of my neck and moved my head so it was resting on his shoulder. I didn’t know why, but I was fighting against this man. I felt dangerously comfortable with him. Shutting my eyes, I just sat there. In Pisa, we went straight to the Leaning Tower, the bell tower of the Cathedral. The structure took two hundred years to build. This was the photo opportunity Christina was looking forward to. Her son wanted pictures of the tower from different angles. This University City had so much history it was ideal for us to end our day at the Caffé dell’Ussero. It was on ‘Lungarno Pacinotti" a meeting place of scholars. Everyone had drinks, but I had cappuccino and some small pastries which we all shared with delight. Arne was talking to a few students and laughing with some, sharing experiences. We were tired out from running around to see all the attractions since we only had the day, but it was a lively place with a vibrant atmosphere. There were so many Interesting people who were idealistically hopeful. But we had to get going and took the taxi back to the port. Once on board, I took a shower, and then went to find the girls in their cabin. I wanted to go to the internet centre to send mail home and Skype my son. The girls decided to go along and skip their nap. It was so great to hear my son’s voice and his curious questions about what we were doing made me laugh. I felt so much better after we all talked to our children. I told the girls that I would not be joining them for dinner and wanted to relax instead. Aren’t you hungry? They wanted to know. A little, I replied, but I will get a snack later. I realized they were concerned that I wasn’t feeling well but I needed to distance myself from these feelings. Reluctantly, they agreed to let me be, but only for that night. When I was sure they had gone to their cabin, I went to the Aqua Spa and had a relaxing massage. An hour later, I was sitting at a table in the Aqua Spa Café and had something small to eat. I chose the Hemisphere lounge to sit with my book and watch the view of the open sea as we set sail. Sitting close to the windows, I felt the vast sea spreading out ahead of me and everything else behind me. Making myself comfortable, I took my book out of my handbag to enjoy the quiet moment and getting into my book. I love reading and there’s nothing better than to transform your mind. I knew the girls had gone to dinner somewhere and I hoped from all the nice restaurants available that they were having fun. I must admit, Arne was good company and for some reason they absolutely liked him. Or should I say they had a craziness going on around him. It’s all giggles and laughter with those two!

    Their comments ranged from how his strong arms were able to pick me up with one hand to his nice butt! They do make me laugh with their girlish behavior in reaction to him. I hoped they were having fun though, since I suspected he would be with them. He seemed to have made us his traveling companions, hanging out and making it a trip fun for the girls. I don’t want to feel so disturbed with his presence, so perhaps if I found things to do on my own I could shake off whatever this was. I thought his lifestyle was different and not at all the way had I lived mine. It could be the reason why he was single and his life to me seemed unsettling. I don’t want to be available to a man; I want the man to want me. I chose to be single because I don’t believe in ‘settling’ for what is available at the moment. I do want to be with someone but not just anyone. Perhaps I’m waiting for something that will never be. I dropped my head onto the back of my chair and I felt a chill. Wrapping my arms around my body to get warm, I dropped my book! How long had I been sitting here? I heard the words but my mind was all over the place. As I started to warm up, I raised my head to see him bending in front of me. You dropped your book. he smiled. Bending his head down and towering over me, I couldn’t move as he kissed my lips, placing the book into my hand and then walking away leaving me motionless. For a while I just sat there. Very aware of what had just happened, I didn’t know what to do with all the turmoil inside me and felt confused by his actions. I wondered where the girls were and decided to go back to my cabin; they could always find me there. When I returned, I decided to put on my white silk dress and favorite silver sandals. I was brushing my hair and freshening up when they knocked on my door, surprised that I was ready and waiting for them. How was dinner? I cheerfully asked as they walked in. It was great, they responded, and the food amazing but Arne was disappointed that you didn’t join us. He left early though and asked if we could join him for drinks at the Martini Bar. OK I replied, leaving them staring at me in surprise. At the bar we had to move through people to find seats but the mood was great. The lights on the ceiling looked like balloons floating in the air and low round little tables with low chairs around them. The color of night and the light reflection made everyone look pretty. Looking around the room to try and find a table, Linda felt uncomfortable and excused herself after a drink. What about you? I asked Christina, but she was looking around at all the bubbly people and said she was there to look after me. Unbelievable! Linda laughed at Christina. Since when have you turned into a party animal? I think I got old and the two of you are just the opposite. Lisa looks as if she could compete in a ‘body beautiful competition’ and you, she grabbed Christina from behind, look ten years younger! I do? Christina chuckled. As we laughed, moving through the room, I felt a pair of hands on my hips. Hi, he whispered, towering over my head as I looked back and up. I have a table. he said, pulling me with him. I was looking at Christina and her mouth dropped open. We took our seats and I realized these girls knew something I didn’t know.

    Taking our drinks order he went to the bar to collect them and asked Christina to go along. The minute we were alone, I got into it with Linda. What is going on here? I whispered to her. He likes you, she confessed. He went looking for you when you didn’t come to dinner and wanted to know where you could possibly be so he could find you. Why? I persisted. Because, we told him you wanted to be alone. What did you say when he wanted to find me? We thought you would go to a place to think or somewhere quiet where you could read. You girls know me too well and he makes me uncomfortable. I confessed. When he found me earlier, he kissed me and walked away. I don’t understand why this man has this effect on me. Is it why you felt so strange this afternoon? She asked. Yes! I admitted. I don’t know why but it happened in the jewelry shop. I suddenly felt like something was happening to me since it started affecting my body and I seem to behave very strangely around him. I don’t know how else to explain it. It’s like we both know that our paths were meant to cross. He looks at me and I stir deep inside! I can feel my skin burn when he stares at me. Oh’ My God I have goose bumps! Linda screamed at me. What if he feels the same? She asked. He behaved very strangely at dinner. It seemed like he was restless because of your absence. That is strange. I looked at Linda. We have just met! Your connection however is very amazing though, you have to admit. Perhaps that is the reason why you’re both here. You came to find each other. We went quiet as they arrived with a tray filled with drinks and lots of ice and water for me to drink in between. A few minutes later a waiter appeared with a Caesar salad for me and a smile on Arne’s face. If you want a martini, you’d better have something to eat first. I will take care of you afterwards! Laughing at his arrogance, I ate my salad to please them. We were talking back and forth and were laughing at his funny wit. He was so much fun to be with and I just decided to relax. We like each other and perhaps something in the universe is crazy. In a matter of days we will be back to our own lives and each of our lives will continue each in its own direction. So what if I’m craving after finding my soul mate? Perhaps one day he will just fill me up since I did not understand why I suddenly felt so alive. And these are things that don’t come to me that easily. He does a lot of sports and some were very daring, but he was happy with how he lived. He loves the beach and likes to be close to, on, or in the water. He was all action and lived in different continents with a free lifestyle which was very different to mine. Perhaps I should remind myself of that so I could stay focused. Things happen and I do not hope that he expects two weeks of ‘friends with benefits.’ He was spending all his time with us on and off the ship, which could be because he was traveling alone but I felt there was more to it. He was joking a lot with the girls and he loves to talk. Turning to look at me, he laughed as they were talking about something funny. Did you eat your salad?" Smiling back at him, I wondered how old he was. Would it really matter at this stage if I was interested in him?

    I definitely did not want to be with someone too much older or too much younger. At least he did not look like someone I had to teach. Stop it! I chided myself. Picking up my martini glass, I laughed at Christina talking about our fancy night out the wine club. Taking a sip I looked at them as Arne asked, Did you enjoy rubbing shoulders with the rich? He was teasing her since he could see it was an evening she really appreciated, and with a smile she responded, It was all good especially when I won a room at the hotel to enjoy at my leisure. Laughing at her excitement I remembered her telling us, I never win anything and we all laughed at her amazing memory at how much fun that was for her. How often do you receive invitations to these events? He turned to look at me directly. I receive them quite often but I don’t always attend. I replied. It depends on what wine they have on offer and if the food accompanying the wine is good. Would you invite me sometime? He asked with a smile. Sure! I grinned. Is next month OK? I’ll send you an invitation I turned away from him. Turning me back to face him, he took my hand and kissed my fingers. Do I have to wait that long? Not fair at all! he protested. I of course never answered him! Linda got up excusing herself and bidding us a fun evening. Looking forward to a good nights sleep, we promised to meet for breakfast in the morning. She waved as she went off. I looked tired but was wide awake. It was all the caffeine I had today kicking in I thought when Arne leaned in forward, closer to me as I looked up into his eyes. Will you go out on a date with me tomorrow? He softly asked. Waiting for my response, I had to lean in closer to him since the noisy people around us were so loud. Yes, thank you! I replied. We’ll see each other at breakfast in the morning then. Thank you! he replied in return. Christina had gone to the barman for fresh drinks leaving me alone with ‘butterflies’ in my stomach, sitting so close to him. I felt him touching my arm, rubbing his fingers over my skin. Lisa! I heard him say my name! I waited a while for him to speak. Do you have any idea what is going on with me?" In surprise I stared at him not knowing how to reply. He feels it too. I knew then that I wasn’t crazy to think it was a connection. Who on earth would ever believe this possible? If I had to tell anyone I met this man and felt that we knew each other even though we had never met before, you would seriously think I was mad. How do you feel drawn to someone

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