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Heaven Knows
Heaven Knows
Heaven Knows
Ebook202 pages3 hours

Heaven Knows

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About this ebook

Trusting the Lord to guide her to safety, Alexandra Sims traveled across Montana, never expecting to find the love and family she'd always craved. Good things like that didn't just happen–they were gifts from God. Alexandra trusted John Corey's loving smile and agreed to be his adorable daughter's least, until John discovered Alexandra's painful secret.

John Corey led a modest life with his daughter and silently grieved his wife's death. One day, a beautiful drifter wandered into his life and turned it around. Suddenly, John believed in love again and put his faith in Alexandra. Though she hid her secret past, he wanted to bring her peace and show her how much he cared....

Release dateSep 1, 2013
Heaven Knows

Jillian Hart

Jillian Hart grew up on the original homestead where her family still lives, went to high school where Twin Peaks was filmed, earned an English degree, and has travelled extensively. When Jillian’s not writing her stories, she reads, stops for café mochas, and hikes through the pine forests near her home in Washington State.

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    Heaven Knows - Jillian Hart

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